The Offerings

I believe in the practical AND the magic.

I believe that they can exist together AND that they can thrive together and my favourite thing in the whole wide world is using the goodness from both Tarot and Coaching to support folks in reconnecting to and rediscovering their wonderful things during their travels back home to themselves.

Coaching with the Tarot is one of those gorgeous space holding and healing modalities that allows us to explore both the practical and the magic in our lives.

Here are the ways we can work together.

The Homecoming Reading


This interactive session will have all the wonderful goodness of a Shine Time Tarot reading woven with a whole bunch of real time coaching support.

What's included?

- Pre-reading form

- 1 hour and 30 minutes face to face session (on Zoom)

- The option to record the session (from your side)

The Reading:

- Collective year, birth card and year card information

- A 6-card Homecoming Sanctuary Reading

*This can be customised as we go.

A Year of Homecomings


This remote offering has been a real favourite over the years and is a big powerhouse of a reading to support you in your year to come.

This reading is a BIG 15 card reading that includes:

- The collective year card

- Your birth card

- Your year ahead card

+ A card for each month over the next 12 months.

You will receive a very detailed write up along with a voice recording that will add any more details or notes about your reading that I feel are significant.

*Please note that this reading will be done remotely after a form or email consultation. The 3 hours blocks out the time needed to complete your reading and you do not need to be available for that time period.

The Homecoming Sanctuary


This is a 10 session container where you'll receive intuitive insights and gentle, practical invitations that allows you to come home to yourself, even if it’s just a little bit at a time (though we know those little things are actually really very big things).

The weaving together of the practical and the magic is so my jam and I would be honoured to work with you within this supportive and totally unique framework.

Included in this block of work are:

- My coaching skills and intuitive guidance with the Tarot

- A gentle and supportive space to explore your homecoming paths

- A flexible weekly/bi-weekly or monthly schedule

- A collaborative Google Doc

- Email check-ins

- Email access for any questions or insights

- The option to record our sessions

*When you book, you are booking your first session. We will arrange the follow up sessions from there.

Need to hear more?

Check out what some of the folks I’ve had the privilege to work with have shared.

Book a free Discovery Call