
Hi, I’m Jenny and I’m the human and dreamer behind this space. I believe hard in the magic of the everyday and the noble pursuit of finding joy when and where we can. I love being barefoot outside, hanging out in cold water, reading too many books, walking in Scottish landscapes, cuddles with my wee family, curating the world's longest ‘Lovelies’ playlist, hot black coffee, puppies and swearing. I deeply want things to be more fair for everyone and I'm all about that good, good body, love and spiritual autonomy.⠀


Virgo Sun, Taurus Moon & Cancer Rising

Strength Birth Card

Enneagram 4

Coaching with the Tarot means I have learned to weave the practical of coaching approaches with the magic of intuitive healing through the Tarot. Is it maybe a bit weird? Sure is. Does it work? It really, really does. Are all the best things in this world a little bit (or a lot bit) weird? I think so. 

Coaching with the Tarot provides a natural space for us to explore pathways back home to ourselves and coming home is really what it’s all about.

So, so many of us have been taught and shown how to give away pieces of ourselves from the time we are young in the hopes of being loved, accepted, seen and even safe. This isn’t our fault and it doesn’t mean we need fixing but what it does mean is that now we are responsible for finding our way back to ourselves, we have a really beautiful, compassionate, curious and honest support to explore.

I created this healing modality for myself first and totally by accident (or was it…hmmm) when I happened to do my coaching training at the same time I was engaging in a deep dive Tarot workshop and still use it for myself everyday.

I’ve been engaging with this Coaching with the Tarot homecoming modality with others for three years now and it has been so much more effective than the coaching or the Tarot ever were on their own.

My role here and with you is as the weaver, the container, the intuitive heavy lifter, the trail buddy and the cheerleader. I’ll also bring the heart, the curiosity and the laughs (if required).

Who am I here for?

I’m here for the dreamers, the triers and the unsuspecting magic makers. I’m here for the bleeding hearts, the empaths, the sensitives and the lineage healers. I’m here for the soft, the gentle, the introverted and the openhearted. I’m here for the homecoming seekers and healing path finders. I’m here for the rebellious souls wanting to break free from the cage of people pleasing and perfectionism.

I’m here for the ones that know there is something a bit more to this life than what we can see and who know there is a bit more for them than what they’ve been shown.

Shine Time Tarot is a pathfinder.

It’s self healing, a rebellion, an intuitive language, links to all the parts of ourselves, wisdom & guidance, storytelling, hope, insights & data, gentle inquiry and a connection to our well councils.

Ready to dive in?